heard on the radio that in the United States they do not collect official statistics on the number of unarmed people killed by police.
I seriously doubt that. Radio is a very vague word
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
heard on the radio that in the United States they do not collect official statistics on the number of unarmed people killed by police.
I seriously doubt that. Radio is a very vague word
well it's been 18 months since i left the witnesses.
my goodness what can i say?
well let's start from the beginning.... 1) i am happy, yes i am (i know im not meant to be as the jw's would like to believe).
Excellent advice, excellent example, excellent reasoning. Glad you like Satan's world.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
So please tell me what he did wrong to get shot? Please explain it away...
From the scenes available, there was no reason to shoot him. However, the shooting scene is missing. Big question mark there. Regardless, if this man has a case against the police, go for it. Sue them, teach them a lesson and get the police officer punished. You got my support (after I see the actual scene of the shooting confirming an unjustified action). Just don't extrapolate this case to conclude that white police officers who shoot on black people are unjustified and racist. Each case is different. Even this case may be a case of incompetence more than racial animosity. Not sufficient evidence yet.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
I believe you're referring to Sam Harris. Who argues for racial profiling.
You are right Simon. I think I mixed two different comments from opposite sides of the argument. In this case the comments of a Homeland Security Secretary whose name I can't remember and comments can't find, with Sam Harris' comments..
This reminds me of actually being a victim of racial profiling in the Salt Lake City airport about 8 years ago. I was singled out for an in depth screening while the big number of very white Mormons around me were given a pass. I didn't mind. I happen to have the Middle Eastern look, very much like the guys of the 911 attacks.
Yes, I hope the TSA officers screen me and guys who look like me more often than they screen Betty White. I would feel safer.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Why do you continue living there?
Confederate flags? the South? Yeah, I have heard that some people there still hold values and ideas that were popular many decades, even centuries ago. Just like old guard JW's, those racists are dying out. The rest of the country is doing much better.
Time to move to another community.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
not individually, but as a whole, the black race have brought the trouble onto themselves.
Not that simple. I would trace the problem to slavery, to civil rights violations, and even more recently, to social policies that reward irresponsible behavior. All these factors have contributed to get young blacks in an inescapable cycle of poverty and crime. I have no problem finding who is at fault. That's easy: male humans and their innate desire for domination. However, we are past that stage of finding the culprits. The big task in front of us is how to go about solving the problem. Ultimately, is up to black leaders to carry the burden to get young people out of their cycle of poverty and crime. The political system and the majority of non-blacks are quite willing to help, but they need to see cooperation from the other side.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Coded logic,
Very interesting information. Allow me to use the numbers in your link
White people killed by police: 494
Black people killed by police: 258
Total killed: 990
White percentage 50 %
Black percentage 26 %
Conclusion (using Coded Logic methodology and the numbers from his posted link)
A white person is almost twice as likely to be shot by police than a black person is.
Is this a good summary of the big picture? Of course not. Many pieces are missing. But I get the hunch that these numbers, if properly analyzed, ultimately would reveal that there is no evidence that police shootings of black people are often racially motivated, as Coded logic and others have suggested. The truth regarding this subject is hard to find, unless we can dig into the brains of every police officer doing the shooting, and that is impossible.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
because I'm talking about people who are UNARMED being shot!
Perhaps you need to put yourself in a police officer's shoes. You have a split second to make a decision. The man that you are trying to arrest refuses to put his hands up and moves them in a suspicious manner. He may pull a knife, he maybe getting his wallet, he may be pulling a fake gun, he maybe pulling a bag full of cocaine, or maybe he is pulling a very real GUN. A decision made in a split second makes the difference between the police officer being with his family later that night or being buried a week later. In a life threatening situation you don't have time to think "I need to make sure that thing is a real gun with real bullets before I shoot".
The most effective way to reduce the number of people police officers shoot is by not getting involved in activities that attract the attention of police officers. In fact, in my 30 years living in the U.S. I have never been a victim of racist profiling or much less a police shooting. In fact, I haven't even been a victim of any violent crime. Have I been lucky? Not at all. My life's activities don't attract police officers, except for the once in a decade traffic violation.
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Is this the standard we're setting for our police officers? It's okay to kill unarmed people so long as you don't commit as many killings as criminals do?
Coded logic,
This is either a dishonest, or a stupid way to argue. Not much logic, is there?
"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
He finally started wearing a cowboy hat and put a decorative decal in his pick up window and the problem stopped.
Thank you. You proved my point. The profiling is more than skin deep.
For example, I don't fear black people who are wearing Armani suits while coming out of a business convention. Not at all. Actually, I hope I can do business with them. Conversely I fear white men with baggy, low hanging pants, an unfriendly face, tattoos all over their face and body, chains coming out of their pockets, Yes, I am profiling too. The cops must and do exactly the same. So it happens that, when they are searching for criminals, the overall profile gets more black than whites or Asians, but I doubt that the color of the skin was the only factor in the profiling. I seriously doubt, given the present social tensions, that cops are thinking "I hope I can kill another unarmed black boy today" Quite the opposite. They rather not be in that situation ever.